Mindset affects everything!
At first, I was a little hesitant and unsure of what to make of Chris and Chris’ advice. The best place to get advice on HOW to achieve financial freedom is from those who are already there! This sounds like common sense. But only until I took this to heart was I able to make sense of the valuable lessons from Chris and Chris.
I considered my coworkers knowledgeable when it came to personal finance because they’ve all had 401ks longer than I have and their perspective on personal finance rubbed off on me. However, It took me a while to realize that everyone I knew and considered knowledgeable about finance – didn’t know a thing about achieving financial freedom early. They are ALL on the track to retire around 65. So no matter how well intentioned or knowledgeable my family or coworkers might be, they cannot advise on what they do not know; I needed to look elsewhere – once I realized that my personal development skyrocketed!
I now see a lot of value in this podcast because my personal development process all started with changing my mindset and how to think. Ultimately, the way you think creeps into everything, every goal you set, every action you take, every opportunity or risk you face. However, changing the your mindset is not just changing what’s convenient, but changing your perspective on life; I would even go as far as saying changing your lifestyle or way of life. (i.e. how you spend your money, how you spend each hour in the day, how your inner dialogue sounds, etc.). This podcast is a very good step to starting your course towards financial freedom or speeding it along!
Thanks for teaching and keep the podcasts coming!
alui9 (from iTunes)
Completely changed the way I think about investing!
Before listening to this podcast, I always thought successful investing was about analyzing numbers, facts and data. Boy was I wrong. This podcast has taught me that it is how we think that truly determines our success or failure when investing. Chris and Chris explain that only after we have the right thought process can we truly get the results from our investing that we want on a consistent basis.
Listen to this podcast and learn what the experts don’t want you to know. They just want you to think that you need to pay for their “proven” investing system to make money. I know I have spect a ton on a bunch of “proven” systems but never got the results I wanted. What this podcast teaches is that its not the “How to invest” that is the problem, it’s the “How to think” that holds us back from getting the results we want. The hosts of this podcast go into to detail on how to begin to think like a successful investor. This is a must listen to podcast if you are serious about making serious money investing!!!
LA Dating Guy (from iTunes)
Change your mindset and find time freedom
Whether you are a seasoned investor or just looking to get started putting a little cash away the Investing From the Beach podcast helps you in the thinking aspect of money management. “5% is how to do, 95% is how to think” and Hanson and Lam deliver the thinking in every episode. It’s one thing to get rich. It’s another thing to become wealthy, hold on to and grow your investments. If you need a change in your life you need to change your mindset first. Chris and Chris share what they have learned and lead you to a different way of thinking about your money that you were not taught in school.
1TimStreet (from iTunes)
Eye opening and life changing!
Awesome podcast!! Both Chris put their life experiences into mindset lessons. The podcast changes the way I view my present and my future way of life. I used to think I would just work 8 hours a day 5 days a week then couple weeks of vacation a year and if I’m lucky, I could leave work couple hours early to catch my kids play hockey here and there. I wouldn’t even dare wishing to pursuit time freedom and take extended time off to travel with my family especially my aging parents. But after I started listening to the podcast, I see the light at the end of the tunnel if I would just apply the mindsets lessons from various episodes. Don’t misunderstand that because it’s educational, it’s boring. The hosts are funny and animating. My family thought I was nuts when I laughed and mumbled non sense stuff while listening to the podcast using my headphone.
It’s one of the few podcasts you won’t regret subscribing to.
bucky7299 (from iTunes)
I can’t believe it is free!
This podcast has so much valuable information that school doesn’t teach you. In fact, I’m not sure where you can go to learn the things these guys are talking about. For those who only listened to first 2 episodes, you definitely are missing out if you do not listen to the rest.
The content keeps getting better. Thanks for putting out such important information for all of us who are blessed to find your podcasts!
huyenlevo (from iTunes)
Great Information! I would recommend this for anyone who wants to achieve financial independence
I’ve known Chris since 2009 and I learned great knowledge and wisdom from him in person. And, now I am so happy that he and his friend, Chris Lam bring the same great wisdom to bigger platform. I would recommend anyone who strives to achieve financial independence to listen to this podcast. It’s well worth your time.
Ken Yashima (from iTunes)
Informative and Inspiring!
I was recently hit with the bug to learn how to reach financial independence early in life and this podcast is definitely one of my sources of motivation! Chris Hansen’s voice is so relaxing and having met him in person, I can see why people respect him so much as an investor/educator. I can’t wait to start his class. Keep them waves coming!
Live.Eileen (from iTunes)
How to think
The two Chris’s share their thoughts on how to think about trading and investing. Very useful!
Kkk7 (from iTunes)
Hanson is A Genius
I don’t think there are enough positive things I can say about this podcast. Both hosts have a wealth of knowledge on investing and are kind enough to share it with the world. The hosts address the most critical thing to investing: how to think. I have yet to find anyone who will address how to build the proper mindset that one requires to be successful. I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone interested in learning how to invest.
Kaspermac (from iTunes)
Great teacher
I recommend this podcast for any one looking for a place to start investing in stock market
sun0pri (from iTunes)
Great Insight!
Good podcast to help you think about the future. I took Chris’s class and wish I had taken it sooner. Everyone needs to take control of their own life and Chris will help you do that.
IBMretiree (from iTunes)
Great podcast!
Learn from Chris and Chris about retiring early!! Heck of a podcast!
Stay Classy San Diego (from iTunes)
These guys are focusing on an area often neglected by most, which is how to think. Regardless of your goal(s) in life, this is a crucial part to making things happen. They know what they’re talking about and if you follow what they say, you’ll also be able to enjoy those Tuesday waves!
aberchild (from iTunes)
Time freedom, financial freedom, here I come!
Great way to think. If you’re in the L.A. Area you need to take Chris Hanson’s “Profits on Wall Street” class. I just finished it and it has already changed my life.
hshdcudhsgshjd (from iTunes)
It’s about time!
Finally – the two of you are taking your message and knowledge to a bigger platform. You both know your stuff, you explain it very well from different perspectives; you tell it honestly and bluntly, and are willing to help others, all of which are admirable qualities….I expect this to be one of the favorite podcasts of many many listeners, not just me! Keep ’em coming!
InvestingFromTheBeach (from iTunes)
Hard subject to teach
Great job guys getting a core subject across or out there for investors to start understanding and working on. The operating system has to be installed for long term success. Enjoy those Tuesday waves.
JDEC 2019 (from iTunes)
A huge gift.
People are being given such a great gift with this podcast. This is real ‘teach ‘em how to fish stuff’; it’s not just stock and financial advice — this is education in how to think and generate wealth from a guy you would definitely want to trade places with.
Alexi W (from iTunes)
Five stars
I’m loving the podcast. Hanson is calm and collected when he talks and really breaks down ideas in a way that I understand.
BeeSweet33 (from iTunes)
A fun and informative listen!
This podcast is hosted by two men who have lived life on their own terms for many years by learning how to invest and trade in the stock market. They provide plenty of anecdotes and motivational messages to achieve time freedom. This is definitely worth listening to!
JeffLearns89 (from iTunes)
Love it!!
Thank you Chris!! I just stumbled on this. Awesome listen. Can’t wait for more! Looking forward to those Tuesday waves!!
Tue$day_Waves (from iTunes)
Thinking training to application
These two wise gentlemen teach on how to think & the avenues on how to actually apply what was learned. Very interesting, intriguing as well as educational & entertaining. The perspectives from this podcast will make anyone & everyone think differently from a business stand point. I’m only on episode 7 & I’m hooked. Looking forward to the rest of the show.
Drumador (from iTunes)
How to think
Chris Hanson and Lam do a great job of talking about the most important elements of being a successful trader. They remind you that it’s 95% “how to think” and only 5% “how to do”.
Aymster (from iTunes)
A Mental Trip!
In this podcast both Chris’ provide a mental framework which is necessary to be successful at trading. Once you start internalizing the concepts these two talk about, you will have found yourself adopting a mentality that not only will help you financially, but will help you lead a better and more fulfilling life.
joncbon (from iTunes)
Fun and Informative
This has been one of my top 5 favorite podcasts for over a year now. Chris and Chris are quite funny, which alone makes it a good listen. The best part, however, is that they have taken a road less traveled and are taking time to share their stories, insights, and mindset that got them financial/ time freedom.
tour bound project (from iTunes)
A Great Approach
This pod is well worth the time. It’s an “investing” pod however the primary focus is on common sense management of your life with investing as a theme. Lots of focus on proper mindset and really challenging the reasons why we do things. They try to be diplomatic about their opinions (well at least Hanson) however they do hold a firm right / wrong line, which I think really works here.
In terms of delivery I’d say it was a little shaky for the first 10-15, but it seems like they’ve really gotten into a comfortable rhythm making it much more listenable. Makes sense that they preach that a key to success is diligent practice; ie “shut up and row”.
This is a critical education piece as I strive for self improvement in the learning lab (car). Well worth the time. Five stars.
egreenking (from iTunes)
Love it!
I’ve made my fair share of money on the stock market and love everything about it. But there’s so much I still want/need to learn. So glad my friend recommended Chris’s podcast to me! Can’t wait to hear what else he shares!
AAAA500 (from iTunes)
This podcast is awesome! But you have to be willing to work on yourself
This takes time and effort – but it is so worth it! Chris H and Chris L have given us an incredible gift with this podcast. But you have to be willing to work on yourself – and this is some of the hardest work you’ll ever do. I’ve finally figured out what is really meant by the idea of “Shut up and row” – but it took me six months.
At first I was just looking for “The Answer” for getting me out of a career I am unhappy with – I listened to all the episodes and did only a little bit of what they said – and kept asking a lot of silly questions. I was too worried about what everyone else would think of me. But several things jumped out at me when reading through the books on the book list, and things started to click. When I started taking action on my mindset I started seeing a big difference in myself.
I recommend you read through the book list twice – the first time you get an idea what this is about, and the second time pull out the nuggets of wisdom that apply to your situation and take action – for example write a bold list of goals and review them daily (one of the books will explain to you how to do this).
Then, when listening to the podcast and they suggest doing something to help you – just go do it! These guys have accomplished what so many of us have only dreamed of – if you want to accomplish time freedom also, you’ve got to do what they recommend! This is also the mindset of the navy seal in the “Lone Survivor” – if the instructor makes something that even sounds like a polite suggestion or a reference to something to that may be helpful, you take it very seriously, and just go do it, pick up the resource, whatever.
For example, on one of the podcasts they make a reference to a book by Carol Dweck on mindset – I picked that up at the library and it was so helpful. I realized I was stuck in the “Fixed Mindset” – all these voices in my head telling me I would have to be an employee forever, preventing me from moving forward. I now have learned how to tell those voices to be quiet – and am cultivating a “Growth Mindset” in myself, and realize I can learn new things, and I am only stuck if I choose to be.
The POWS stock class for remote students is quite excellent – but don’t get too caught up in the mechanics of how to generate income – you’ll eventually realize that is the easy part. In order to achieve freedom in a sustainable way – it’s all about how you think. They will give several excellent examples of thinking that aligns with the growth mindset throughout the podcast.
You have to realize this is a lifelong journey – and take this a step at a time, let yourself absorb the wisdom in the books,, and the activities they recommend doing to get you there. Don’t try to do this fast! If you are in a job you hate – TAKE ACTION to improve your job situation short term, so you can FREE YOUR MIND to do the work on yourself to get to time freedom. Improving your job situation will relieve you of the pressure to “rush” to get there tomorrow.
This is what I have done – and I am on the path now and it is awesome – it will take a few years but I now know I will get there, and so can you!
Chris O 952 (from iTunes)
Investing From The Beach is simply amazing. I love how they focus on “time freedom.” Great concept with useful information for anyone looking to improve their thinking in regards to money.
Wade_Tuesday_Waves (from iTunes)
Great Podcast!
Chris and Chris, thank you for teaching us how to think. This information is so valuable with investing and just life. I am grateful to you both for taking the time and being generous with the lessons you learned over the years.
toleson (from iTunes)
The content speaks for itself.
Making money work for you starts with your thought process. These guys get it.
S1ammage (from iTunes)
Thought Nuggets
Finance and wealth management is not something commonly taught or easily learned. Yes, there are ways to learn how to balance a checkbook and how to differentiate between a 401k and an IRA but to learn how to think is the most difficult and something that times time.
It’s 5% on how to do, and 95% percent how to think. There are a few gems in this podcasts that challenges the way you think about your own personal finances and wealth.
Kraymore (from iTunes)
Time freedom is out there
Thank you Chris and Chris, this podcast touches on the one subject most people neglect when trying to find what they call financial freedom. Most people focus on the how to do, but this podcast focuses on the how to think aspect that very little seem to truly understand. I can’t wait for future subjects to be discussed as this podcast has not only opened my eyes to the financial world but also with some real life everyday issues that come up.
5 star bribe (from iTunes)
Transformed my Life!
This material has completely changed my life for the better. If what is taught is applied, and one learns “how to think”, one can make a major change! I proved it!
xpressiondesigns (from iTunes)
Mystery of the mind!
Our minds control our reactions, our feelings, our overall mental state in what we do. Chris & Chris help us to think about our actions regarding life, relationship, & our financial well being. Its all in the mindset of how to think. I’ve been attending their classes since 2012 and it has changed my life for the better. The books they recommends & their wisdom in the market & life has given me new insight in how to attain time freedom. Mastery will ultimately prevail. I’ll keep rowing until I get there!
JBL 168 (from iTunes)
Great knowledge and wisdom
The two Chris’s (Chrisi?) share their experience and knowledge in an easy to listen to fashion. So many valuable gems and pearls of wisdom, some of it priceless (though you might not know it yet)! Financial and life lessons school never properly taught, they tell you with fun and interesting stories. Down to earth, no BS. Go give it a listen. Sounds cliche, but really, it just might change your life.
vacuumtube1 (from iTunes)
Get in the right mindset
This is a great podcast to listen too if you want to take control of your finances. Chris has said before that the how to do is 5% and you can watch a YouTube video for that. The hardest part is getting in the right mindset and focusing on how to think. The stories are great because they help us apply these concepts to our everyday lives!
Thanks for your hard work!
Mautal (from iTunes)
Don’t hesitate, listen and learn!
I’ve learned from these guys for many years and it’s a been a blessing. Don’t waste your energy thinking about it. Just tap play!
R.D. Aragon (from iTunes)
Great Wealth of Information
Chris and Chris do a great job of covering material that should be taught to us in school, but that most people never have the fortune of learning. They have great chemistry together and they share their wisdom and experiences regarding various financial topics, but more importantly they emphasize the importance of a proper mindset. The recurring theme in every episode is the importance of ‘how to think’ over ‘how to do.’ Investing From the Beach does a great job of teaching exactly how to think to progress toward the elusive, albeit very attainable, time freedom we all desire.
GRandhawa00 (from iTunes)
Awesome Podcast
Awesome podcast to help get you in the right mindset. I just finished listening to all the episodes. I love the focus on mindset as that’s the key to everything in life. You can’t be truly successful without having the right frame of reference. That means learning to control your emotions or employ them best to your advantage. Looking forward to more episodes!
DanielB75 (from iTunes)
95% is how to think!
Awesome podcast to help get you in the right mindset. I just finished listening to all the episodes. I love the focus on mindset as that’s the key to everything in life. You can’t be truly successful without having the right frame of reference. That means learning to control your emotions or employ them best to your advantage. Looking forward to more episodes!
JRW912 (from iTunes)
Underrated message
This podcast is basically conversations between two friends that reminisce on what it took to achieve financial and time freedom.
Most podcasts focus on technique and details on “how-to” achieve a certain goal. After you listen to a couple on the same topic, they all end up talking about the same thing. They are made with hype and designed to be stimulating. And it’s what most people want to hear so it’s not surprising that podcast creators cater to the mainstream.
However, Lam and Hanson’s message is unconventional. I haven’t encountered any other podcast on the mindset it takes to achieve time freedom. They speak from their own wisdom to guide listeners on what to look out for and why. Their lessons applies to the stock market, life, and beyond. Unfortunately to most, wisdom can be boring, but I believe it’s important to learn from those who have come before you. Side note, I appreciate that there are no ads or promotion of any other products. Thank you smart Chris and good looking Chris!
Elh0bo (from iTunes)
Great guide to improve investing and managing money
The podcasts are excellent guides to improve investing and managing your money. The two co-hosts talk about finances in an easy conversational manner. They focus on developing the mindset to invest and manage money successfully. I have read 2 books on their book list this month-Secrets of a Millionaire Mind and the Instant Millionaire. I enjoyed these 2 books immensely and am about to start book #3. The FIRE thing seems to be all the rage now. Listen to the podacst about FIRE–it’s very educational and an eye-opener.
Val from NH (from iTunes)
New trajectory
I’ve been following “Chris-squared” close to two years and can say their content has altered the course of my life for the better.
Investing from the Beach is much more than a trading/investing podcast, it teaches you aspects about yourself that most people go blind to or don’t care to learn: dealing with emotions, fear, greed, and looking at money in a new way.
naccare1072 (from iTunes)
I’ve known both Chris’s for over 3 years now. They continue to helped me pave my path to time freedom through their lesson’s and life experiences. At first it was tough to understand how mindset was such a big part of the process. But as the journey continues and lessons are learned, it makes much more sense now. The message is not only about the road to financial success but a journey of life and learning about who you are. What is your why?
Just keep rowing my friends, don’t be affraid to fail, follow your rules and stay diciplined!
Joseph049 (from iTunes)
Great podcast. Filled with valuable examples from two people who have already reached time freedom.
Newkerk (from iTunes)
Chris & Chris are full of wisdom and anxious to hand it out to those who will listen. Their message is powerful and refreshingly simple. It’s about recognizing that all your goals can be accomplished if you embrace the fact that it’s “5% how to do and 95% how to think”.
I’m forever indebted to these two for providing me with some much needed direction… and it started with me listening to their 1st few podcasts. So just “grab the oars and row” by giving this podcast a listen!
Mike (from iTunes)
“No one cares about your money more than you do!”
Hanson and Lam have captured the very essence of why audiences are drawn to Podcasts as opposed to other forms of media. You will enjoy their unfiltered approach to life lessons! They discuss concepts that teach hard work, discipline and mind set.
This podcast will teach you lessons for all aspects of your life, not just investing!
You can’t “afford” not to listen!
Cindy0716 (from iTunes)
Both Chris Hansen and Chris Lam do an amazing job at providing thoughtful insights on how to have the right mindset in order to achieve time freedom. Their knowledge, lessons and stories makes this podcast a very entertaining one as well as extremely thought provoking. The simple life analogies that they give in this podcast are invaluable to anyone who is working towards the goal of time freedom.
The lessons and stories of having the right mindset and putting in the work has given me hope that time freedom is achievable.
“95% is how to think, and 5% is how to do”
JH2423355 (from iTunes)
I was introduced to Chris and Chris by a coworker of mine about a year ago in late 2018. Admittedly I am a huge skeptic and it’s really hard to know who out there is the real deal when it comes to anything financial. I started off listening to the podcasts and it didn’t take long for me to determine these guys are for real. I also signed up for Chris’s audio class he offers which I’ve listened to 3 times and have put into practice. Between the podcasts, class, and the recommended reading list, I feel that over the past year I have learned a tremendous amount not only about the stock market and money management but time management. This will change your overall thought process on how to move forward with your life and make the best use of your time. Make no mistake, these guys do not preach this is a get rich quick process. Far from it and frankly that’s what really drew me in because it’s realistic. I am a year into this now and I haven’t looked back.
Fick73 (from iTunes)
I appreciate all you have done to set me, and everyone in that room this year, on our paths to financial freedom. You have already delivered the real gift which is hope – not hope-ium! It is amazing to see; I said it to the person sitting beside me last weekend; You are literally changing lives…one at a time!
Amazing class…However, I would like to request that you charge a lot more and don’t let new people attend so then I would not have to share you with others. I know, I know; I have to work on being greedy and selfish…Seriously – thank you for what you do for all of us. I say that for myself and for many others in the room. Keep doing what you’re doing.
I walked into this thinking I would learn “something” about the stock market. It’s hard to explain to others that I didn’t just learn a ton about the stock market, but I’ve learned a ton about myself; a ton about how others think/react; a ton about life. I’ve built an incredible network of contacts; I’ve developed some very deep, lasting friendships; and I’ve gained an entirely different perspective on life. Friends and co-workers keep asking why I always have a smile on my face; the only people I’ve found that “get it” when I try to describe why are those who have attended.
I said it to you in person the other day, but I wanted to be sure that you see it in writing. Thank you again for dedicating your time, effort, and knowledge about the stock market and how it applies to everyday life. With what you taught me and others, this is totally a life-changer. I’m a new dad; I knew there would be a financial increase that comes with a new baby. However, I didn’t foresee the sense of obligation and responsibility that I now gladly feel as a provider for this totally helpless, little “10lb lump of love” child. I’ve used what you taught me to not only provide financially for my family, but more importantly, I have all the time in the day, every day, to spend with my wife and my child. That’s just one example of what I mean by this being a life-changer. Thank you.
This has been such a fascinating journey – and I know it’s just beginning. Thinking back to my experience before last September when I started attending class; I had no awareness of the market, barely knew what was in my “managed account” holdings (except for the fluctuating balance) and didn’t even know what channel CNBC was on!
Now, just a few months into it, I had a conversation last week with a guy who is a self-proclaimed market trader, went toe to toe with him, and by the end of our chat he was asking me for my picks and predictions! Unbelievable moment…and I’m still so new to this path.
One of the books you told us about mentions the question of – if you were to die in 24 hours, what would you do? The old man said a truly happy person wouldn’t change what he normally does, because he’s already doing what he wants to do. I thought of you and I imagine you feel the same way. You would still get in one more session of teaching because I can tell you really love to teach and share. AND..you’re sharing the “secrets” of obtaining wealth with others to help us achieve our dreams as well. I think you are truly happy and that is more inspiring than the thought of you being “rich”.
Anyway..here’s another THANK YOU for your time, wisdom, passion and motivation! I truly appreciate the opportunity you have given us. It’s on me to take that opportunity, do the work and achieve my dreams.
Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
AWESOME CLASS..! It’s like learning to read; first I learned the letters, then I could read a sentence; then I could read the whole book; now I can usually anticipate what the author is going to say before they say it!
I’ve googled it; I’ve looked at Thesaurus.com, StreetSlang.com, Profane.com. There is no word that describes how “darn” good this stuff works.
Class = attended multiple times.
Results = amazing
Emotions (trading): originally thought I was in control. I soon realized they were driving me. Today, I’m aware of them, and improving my control of my reaction (usually!)
Credit card debt: used to have some but now it’s gone.
Car payments: used to have two but now they’re gone.
Mortgage: = zero
Freedom = yes. Though I’m still 9-5er, I can leave if I want to.
Like everyone, I dislike some things at work, but enjoy most of it so I have no reason to quit. And it is powerful knowing I could walk at any moment.
Confidence = hard to describe as it is sky high, yet I don’t need to toot my horn.
Humbleness = very. I have my moments, but am usually very humble.
Emotions (non-trading) = when I think of what you’ve provided for me and my family, I can quickly get very emotional.
Anything you want to offer in the future = sign me up.
Anything you ever need = please ask.
Thanks for giving us one of the greatest gifts, of self realization of self empowerment….of helping us to take control of our lives! The reading list you have given is great, as well, the messages are powerful and inspiring….
I first attended in fall of 2015;Like most, I was concerned about the cost and wasn’t sure if I was “ready”. Boy, am I glad I took it immediately. I’ve been doing the work on a consistent basis and am now seeing consistent results. I have learned to be more patient and more aware of my emotions. Taking the class has increased my focus on discipline. It also helped me see the world in a very different way!
Don’t worry about my family members being in the same room. We’ll resist the urge to playfully punch each other. I’m actually really glad they attended. Aside from learning about stocks there’s a lot of good general life advice that you teach.
Thanks again for another great year… Taking the course has opened my eyes to the possibilities I didn’t know existed. Chris’s unique insights and views of the market and world events are so valuable. He definitely has changed the way I look at things. By incorporating what I’ve learned in class, every aspect of my life is more positive. This has shaved years off of my stock market education journey. The education that Chris provides is priceless. I would have spent a lot of money doing bad trades, which would have buried me deeper into a financial and emotional hole.
I think I keep repeating myself in emails to you. But, again I want to thank you for teaching us what you do – it’s so generous of you. You are so passionate about this stuff and it spills over into every class session. I get a wealth of information every single session.
I just wanted to say again, that never have I ever been so engaged (for 7+ hours straight) in any class/workshop… Seriously… Jr. High, High School, College, Professional workshops/training programs, Company Sales meetings….I have never been as fully engaged with either of these (honest truth)…. but this offers the full potential of the person…and it’s there, I’ll have to “do the work”…but I see it…the dreams/goals. I can’t wait to dive in deeper! When it’s all said and done, I will really have to thank you.
Honestly Chris, you both have done an amazing job on what you’ve taught us. I’m grateful you both are doing what you’re doing for us. People just need to stop being lazy. I honestly don’t think you need to change anything in the class. If anything, deny admission until they show proof of doing their homework. As they do the homework, they’ll notice this stuff works. My apologies if this isn’t quite what you wanted to hear. I genuinely want to give you that call one day and say “let’s do lunch, on me”, … We all have to do our end of the deal; sit down, shut up, and row. The best things in life are worth the hard work it takes to get there otherwise everyone would have financial freedom and we would all be in search of something else. I apologize for the soapbox, but if people aren’t motivated enough to want the financial freedom, they should just stick to their 9-5. You’ve handed it to us in a silver platter already. I hope this doesn’t come across the wrong way as I say this with love and gratitude to you both. You’re right. The journey doesn’t start until you start taking this seriously.
I can’t say “thank you” enough for sharing what you know. I look forward to re-attending next year as well. I have spent multiple times the cost of the class on tuition for my kids and I can tell you, I would pay much more than that to have them sit and learn from you. I tell friends that if your commitment is real and you’re not afraid of work, you will enjoy every bit of the class.